Today, 18th March, 2025, I was published my 4th album. This album was finished in February. It isn't my best album, but I like it, specially Telephone, the best song of the album. The album has 12 songs. Previusly, it was planned to has 14-16 songs, but they were cancelled, like Psycotesia. In these cancelled songs are two vocalized songs. One is "We come to get you". This one is finished in the lyrics and bass. I need a Drummer to record it. And the another song is "Bad Love". But this is only a very very poor demo. It has a cool sound, but the lyrics are a completely trash. I'ill change them.
There you have a link to listen it in NG:
For the future, what I think to do?
First, I need to compose the OST for my friends movie (spoiler: it goes very good :D ).
Second, I don't have got any idea. No one. The last weeks I had an album name, but I don't liked it: Pony Man. It was cancelled.
Well, I don't know what to do.